My Weekly Reading and Viewing for December 8, 2024 - Econlib

My Weekly Reading and Viewing for December 8, 2024 - Econlib
Source: Econlib

Indiana Cops Seized Their Cash From a FedEx Hub. Prosecutors Just Agreed To Return It.

Indiana prosecutors will return $42,000 in cash they seized from a California small business, several months after the owners filed a class action lawsuit alleging that law enforcement is exploiting a major FedEx shipping hub in Indianapolis to seize millions of dollars in cash from innocent owners.

The Institute for Justice (I.J.), a public interest law firm, announced last week that prosecutors in Marion County, Indiana, have agreed to return the money to its clients Henry and Minh Cheng, who run a California jewelry wholesaler business. Police seized the cash from a FedEx package en route to them from a client in Virginia. County prosecutors then filed a lawsuit to forfeit their money through a process called civil asset forfeiture, claiming the Chengs' money was connected to a violation of a criminal statute. However, the complaint never stated which statute.

"I'm ecstatic at the prospect of getting my money back," Henry Cheng said in an I.J. press release, "and this is just the beginning. What happened to my company shouldn't happen to anyone. Indiana should stop trying to steal from law-abiding citizens by seizing property and figuring out later whether there's any basis for keeping it."

DRH Comments

First, it is not true that the prosecutors said, "Badges? We don't need no stinkin' badges."

A commenter asked how it was possible for Biden to be both corrupt and a decent man. My response is that I judge someone's personality mostly by how he treats the people immediately around him; people we interact with directly are more salient, more real, to us than distant people...

I saw it not as a question of what Joe should have done but of what the thing he did do tells us about what sort of man he is...

On Hunter Biden's Pardon

The pardon not only covered crimes Hunter had been convicted of but also any crime he may have committed from Jan. 1, 2014, to Dec. 1, 2024...

DRH Comment on Patel's Remarks

This is the most interesting thing I've read on the Hunter Biden pardon... Notice in the first two sentences... David shifts from talking about morality to talking about personality...

The Google Monopoly Case

The big news from last week is that Justice Department said that Google should divest itself of its Chrome browser...

The DOJ's filing represents "unprecedented government overreach" as Google's chief legal officer explained...