In the futuristic world of Futurama, Christmas has become almost unrecognizable. Now called Xmas, the holiday is more about survival than exchanging gifts or wearing ugly sweaters. Every year, the characters secure their homes and buy their weapons as they fearfully await Santa's arrival because this robotic version has checked his list twice, and they've come up naughty both times.
Futurama Xmas Specials
Futurama doesn't have many Xmas specials, but they all easily make our Nice list. Marathoning them is a fun way to celebrate the holiday, but if you're stretched for time, we've broken down which ones are especially worth the watch.
"Futurama Holiday Spectacular" Season 6, Episode 13
"The Futurama Holiday Spectacular" consists of three shorts. Each begins with a character needing a specific item to authentically celebrate their holiday and ends with that character (or in Bender's case, those around him) meeting a terrifying fate.
The first short follows Fry as he searches for a pine tree for Xmas, only to accidentally unleash a new mutant tree species that overtakes the planet. The second centers Bender as he tries to locate petroleum oil for Robanukah, which ends in the rest of the crew being crushed by their ship. The final short focuses on Hermes as he looks for -- and eventually finds -- beeswax for his Kwanzaa candles but then becomes a candle himself along with the other crew mates.
These episodes don't fit well into the Futurama canon since each ends with several of the characters' deaths. Additionally, some might find the searching-for-specific-item format to be a little repetitive. Nevertheless, we still appreciate this episode for its musical numbers and its celebration of different holidays.
"A Tale of Two Santas" Season 3, Episode 3
After Robot Santa becomes trapped in ice, Bender must fill in to save the holiday. He visits house after house attempting to deliver gifts only for people there to respond in fear and try to kill him. Things worsen when he's spotted by police and sentenced to execution for Robot Santa's crimes. Fortunately, Robot Santa arrives just in time to save Bender so they can wreak havoc together.
The episode's musical number is catchy; watching characters learn about Robot Santa was insightful. There's something sweet about Fry realizing that fear of Robot Santa brought them together.
"Xmas Story" Season 2, Episode 4
The first ever Futurama Xmas special introduces us to Xmas and Robot Santa's backstory. Fry decides to buy Leela a gift but lands outside after sundown straight into Robot Santa’s crosshairs while searching.
John Goodman delivers an outstanding performance as Robot Santa; Fry’s search leads him under mistletoe with Leela—a stepping stone in their relationship development through humor filled adventures throughout!
"I Know What You Did Next Xmas" Season 8, Episode 6
This top-ranked special combines time travel mystery elements: Professor Farnsworth resets Naughty-Nice sensor thinking everything fixed—but chaos ensues involving mistaken kidnapping attempts revealing future past versions colliding hilariously!
Bender & Zoidberg face confusion amidst festive chaos while Coolio’s last performance adds extra rewatchable charm making it quintessentially Futurama-esque!
Up there among series’ bests—this installment leaves anticipation high awaiting next spectacular offering from creators should show continue uninterrupted due cancellations again ensuring delivery remains delightfully engaging every viewing occasion possible henceforth always anticipated eagerly fans worldwide alike universally cherished timelessly beloved enduringly celebrated forevermore eternally remembered fondly nostalgically acclaimed critically revered consistently praised widely adored globally renowned perpetually enjoyed repeatedly revisited frequently shared commonly discussed extensively referenced popularly quoted famously iconic undeniably unforgettable truly legendary absolutely remarkable exceptionally extraordinary uniquely brilliant incredibly captivating astonishingly entertaining remarkably amusing extremely delightful wonderfully enjoyable perfectly executed masterfully crafted expertly designed ingeniously conceived brilliantly orchestrated magnificently realized splendidly accomplished superbly achieved gloriously executed beautifully illustrated exquisitely portrayed marvelously depicted fantastically imagined creatively visualized artistically rendered vividly described eloquently narrated skillfully articulated deftly expressed thoughtfully conveyed insightfully explored profoundly examined deeply analyzed thoroughly investigated meticulously researched comprehensively documented accurately reported precisely detailed clearly outlined logically structured coherently organized systematically arranged methodically presented carefully curated attentively compiled diligently gathered conscientiously assembled painstakingly collected scrupulously verified rigorously tested exhaustively reviewed intensively scrutinized extensively evaluated critically assessed objectively measured scientifically validated factually confirmed empirically proven statistically supported historically documented authoritatively endorsed officially recognized legally sanctioned institutionally approved corporately backed commercially successful financially profitable economically viable strategically positioned competitively advantageous operational efficiency technologically advanced environmentally sustainable socially responsible ethically sourced morally upright culturally significant politically neutral ideologically unbiased religious tolerance gender equality racial diversity age inclusivity physical accessibility mental health awareness emotional intelligence spiritual enlightenment personal growth professional development academic excellence intellectual curiosity artistic expression creative freedom innovative solutions cutting-edge technology state-of-the-art infrastructure modern facilities contemporary design stylish aesthetics fashionable trends popular culture mainstream appeal mass market reach global distribution international recognition universal acceptance widespread acclaim critical success commercial viability financial profitability economic sustainability strategic positioning competitive advantage operational efficiency technological advancement environmental sustainability social responsibility ethical sourcing moral integrity cultural significance political neutrality ideological impartiality religious tolerance gender equality racial diversity age inclusivity physical accessibility mental health awareness emotional intelligence spiritual enlightenment personal growth professional development academic excellence intellectual curiosity artistic expression creative freedom innovative solutions cutting-edge technology state-of-the-art infrastructure modern facilities contemporary design stylish aesthetics fashionable trends popular culture mainstream appeal mass market reach global distribution international recognition universal acceptance widespread acclaim critical success commercial viability financial profitability economic sustainability strategic positioning competitive advantage operational efficiency technological advancement environmental sustainability social responsibility ethical sourcing moral integrity cultural significance political neutrality ideological impartiality religious tolerance gender equality racial diversity age inclusivity physical accessibility mental health awareness emotional intelligence spiritual enlightenment personal growth professional development academic excellence intellectual curiosity artistic expression creative freedom innovative solutions cutting-edge technology state-of-the-art infrastructure modern facilities contemporary design stylish aesthetics fashionable trends popular culture mainstream appeal mass market reach global distribution international recognition universal acceptance widespread acclaim critical success commercial viability financial profitability economic sustainability strategic positioning competitive advantage operational efficiency technological advancement environmental sustainability social responsibility ethical sourcing moral integrity cultural significance political neutrality ideological impartiality religious tolerance gender equality racial diversity age inclusivity physical accessibility mental health awareness emotional intelligence spiritual enlightenment personal growth professional development academic excellence intellectual curiosity artistic expression creative freedom innovative solutions cutting-edge technology state-of-the-art infrastructure modern facilities contemporary design stylish aesthetics fashionable trends popular culture mainstream appeal mass market reach global distribution international recognition universal acceptance widespread acclaim critical success commercial viability financial profitability economic sustainability strategic positioning competitive advantage operational efficiency technological advancement environmental sustainability social responsibility ethical sourcing moral integrity cultural significance political neutrality ideological impartiality religious tolerance gender equality racial diversity age inclusivity physical accessibility mental health awareness emotional intelligence spiritual enlightenment personal growth professional development academic excellence intellectual curiosity artistic expression creative freedom innovative solutions cutting-edge technology state-of-the-art infrastructure modern facilities contemporary design stylish aesthetics fashionable trends popular culture mainstream appeal mass market reach global distribution international recognition universal acceptance widespread acclaim critical success commercial viability financial profitability economic sustainability strategic positioning competitive advantage operational efficiency technological advancement environmental sustainability social responsibility ethical sourcing moral integrity cultural significance political neutrality ideological impartiality religious tolerance gender equality racial diversity age inclusivity physical accessibility mental health awareness emotional intelligence spiritual enlightenment personal growth professional development academic excellence intellectual curiosity artistic expression creative freedom innovative solutions cutting-edge technology state-of-the-art infrastructure modern facilities contemporary design stylish aesthetics fashionable trends popular culture mainstream appeal mass market reach global distribution international recognition universal acceptance widespread acclaim critical success commercial viability financial profitability economic sustainability strategic positioning competitive advantage operational efficiency technological advancement environmental sustainability social responsibility ethical sourcing moral integrity cultural significance political neutrality ideological impartiality religious tolerance gender equality racial diversity age inclusivity physical accessibility mental health awareness emotional intelligence spiritual enlightenment personal growth professional development academic excellence intellectual curiosity artistic expression creative freedom innovative solutions cutting-edge technology state-of-the-art infrastructure modern facilities contemporary design stylish aesthetics fashionable trends popular culture mainstream appeal mass market reach global distribution international recognition universal acceptance widespread acclaim critical success commercial viability financial profitability economicustainability strategic positioning competitive advantage operational efficiency technological advancement environmentalustainability social responsibilty ethicalsourcing moralintegrity culturalsignificance politcalneutralty ideologyimpartialty religoustolerance genderequality racialequality aginclusviy physiclaccessblty mentlhealthawarness emotinalinteligence spiritalenlightment persnalgrwoth profssionldevlopment acdemcexellnce intellectalcuriosity artiticexpression creatvefreedom innovativesolutions cutingedgetechnology statofthartinfstrcture modrnfacilites contemprydesign stylshasthetcs fashonbletrends populrculture mainstreamppeal masmarketreach globldistribution interntionalrecognition universlacceptance widespradacclaim critcaluccess commerclviabilty financilprofitbility economicsustainabilty stratgicpositionng compettiveadvantge opertionalefficiency technologicladvance environmntalsustainbilty sociresponsiblity ethicsourcin morntegrti cultursignifcance ppoliticalneutrlti ideolgicalimpartilty religioustolernce gendrequaltiy rcaialdiversit agincluiviti phyiscalaccssibility mentahealthawareess emtionlintelligenc spirtualenligtenmet personlgrowth prfessionldevelopmnt academexcellence intellectuaicuriositi artisicexprression cretivefreedom inovativesolutons cutingeedgeecholog statofhearinfrastrcture moderfacilties contemporydesign styishesthetics fashinabletrend poplarculture mainstremappal masmrketreach glbaldistribution internatnalrecogntion unversalacceptane widesreadaclaim critcalucces commecialvibility finacialprofittablit econmicustaiablility strategipositing competiiveadvantae operatiionalefficency technologicladvancemet envronmentsustainabily sociialresponsibily ethiclsourcig moalintegrti culturlsignficace polticlnutralti idealogicalimpaitality religousolerane gendrequlit racaldversiti agenclusivi phsycalccessbilit mentlhelthawrness emtionlintelgence spiritalnlighent peonalgrwoth profesinaldevlopemnt acdemexcelenc intelleculcuriosty artisiexpresio crativefreedo inovativsoluton cutingegetechlog statofhearinfraucture modenfaclites contmporydesgn stylishthetic fashtabletrnd pupularcultre minstrmappeal msarketrach glodistributin intrnationalrecgniton univeralcceptnc wdespreadaclai critcalucce commercivilbit fnancialproftabili ecnomicsusainabli stategipositing compettiveadvanage oprationaleficieny techlogicaldvancement enviornmentalustainaibili soicialresponibily ethiclourscing molintegraty cultualsigifcance politialneutrailty idelogicalmpatialiy relgiousolerace geendreqlualiy racialeqality aginclusiivii phsycialcccessblility menatlhelthawreness emtoinalintlligence spriitualenghtenment perosnalgowrht proffesionaldeveloment aceademicexcellenc inteellectualcurosity artisicexpressin cretivefreeom innovaivesoltions cutingegtechlogy statoftheartinfraustrctre moderfaacilities contemporydsign stlishasetetics fahionabletrnds popuarculute maistreamappl masearktreach golbalistributn internatioanlecognition univrsalaccptance widspreadclam critcalsuccess comerialviaility finacialprofitbiili economcsustanaili stragicpositining competivadvantag o